Paper title:

Best Practices for Using Lists as Design Web Patterns

Published in: Issue 1, (Vol. 4) / 2010
Publishing date: 2010-03-30
Pages: 33-38
Author(s): Valentin Pau, Octavian Stanescu, Marius I. Mihailescu
Abstract. Our intent is to provide you with some of the primary tools of navigation design and ways to solve navigation problems. Relevant theory and related material are discussed and credited where appropriate. Lists have begun one of the most important aspects in web applications for displaying a collection of items. We have to take in consideration the type of items that will be showed in the collection. A Simple List is typically used to present a collection of items which only one or two attributes. On this work paper we will see that in web applications, users do not simply view list items but take actions either on individual items (e.g. remove, copy, edit, etc.) or an multiple items (e.g. compare, move, delete, etc.).
Keywords: Navigation Problems, Design Web Patterns

1. Pawan Vora, Web Applications Design Patterns, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers,July 2009.

2. Bill Scott and Theresa Neil, Designing Web Interfaces, 1st Edition, O’Reilly Media, January 2009.

3. Douglas K. van Duyne, James A. Landay, and Jason I. Hong, The Design of Sites: Patterns for Creating Winning Web Sites (2nd edition), Prentice Hall.

4. Duane Nickull, Dion Hinchcliffe and, James Governor, Web 2.0 Architectures: What Entrepreneurs and Information Architects Need to Know, O’Reilly, May 2009.

5. Leon Shklar and Rich Rosen, Web Application Architecture. Principles, Protocols, and Practices (2nd edition), John Wiley & Sons, 2009.

6. Douglas K. van Duyne, James. A. Landay, and Jason I.Hong, The Design of Sites: Patterns, Principles, and Process for Crafting Customer-Centered Web Experience, Wrox, 2009.

7. Rick Darnel, Totul despre HTML 4, Teora, 1999.

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