Paper title:

Using Machine Learning Algorithms in Cardiovascular Disease Risk Evaluation

Published in: Issue 1, (Vol. 3) / 2009
Publishing date: 2009-04-14
Pages: 29-32
Author(s): SITAR - Taut V. A., ZDRENGHEA D., Pop D., SITAR - Taut A. D.
Abstract. Even if Medicine and Computer Science seem apparently intangible domains, they collaborate each other for few decades. One of the faces of this cooperation is Data Mining, a relative new and multidisciplinary field capable to extract valuable information from large sets of data. Despite this fact, in cardiology related studies it was rarely used. We assume that some data mining tools can be used as a substitute for some complex, expensive, uncomfortable, time consuming, and sometimes dangerous medical examinations. This paper aims to show that cardiovascular diseases may be predicted by classical risk factors analyzed and processed in a “non-invasive” way.
Keywords: Cardiovascular Disease, Machine Learning Algorithms

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