Paper title:

A Point of View on the Perception of Telework in Pandemic

Published in: Issue 2, (Vol. 16) / 2022
Publishing date: 2022-10-11
Pages: 15-19
Author(s): MOISIUC Diana, JECAN Sergiu, CALEA Sorin, LUTAS Mihaela
Abstract. This study examines the evaluation of telework through anonym questionnaire addressed to different conditional groups of 185 teleworkers in Romania. Through a correlation analysis between the variables, using SAS Enterprise Miner we obtained a relevant decision tree. The results suggest that there are differences in the evaluation of factors affecting work at home efficiency and the qualities required from a remote worker, depending on gender, age, education and experience of telework. The results are discussed in terms of the characteristics of the most satisfied and the most dissatisfied teleworkers perception.
Keywords: Pandemic Crisis, Telework, Individual Perceptions, Quality Of Life

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