Paper title:

A Game Theory Model: HIV and Malaria Co-Infection

Published in: Issue 2, (Vol. 15) / 2021
Publishing date: 2021-11-14
Pages: 49-52
Author(s): ROY Ajanta
Abstract. Two of the world’s most widespread fatal diseases, malaria and HIV, distribution significantly overlaps in South Saharan Africa, South East Asia and South America. This paper develops a game theory model for HIV and Malaria co- infection transmission and control by considering malaria treatment and insect repellent treated mosquito nets. The usage of insect repellent treated mosquito net considerably decrease the risk of HIV and malaria co-infection. Even under some conditions insect repellent treated mosquito net may eradicate the disease. This paper also discusses the effect of malaria treatment rate u in reducing the spread of infection.
Keywords: Game Theory, HIV And Malaria Co-infection

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