Paper title:

U-Healthcare Solution for Monitoring Heart Failure

Published in: Issue 2, (Vol. 14) / 2020
Publishing date: 2020-07-14
Pages: 28-32
Author(s): FĂRCAȘ Anca Daniela, ANTON Florin Petru, BOLOGA Cristian, RUSU Lucia
Abstract. Healthcare system evolved past two decades from e-health to m-health and nowadays u-healthcare systems which ubiquitous technologies in the medical field. The aim of this paper is to offer an architecture solution for Ill Heart care Ubiquitous Platform, called Heart@Mo. This solution is focused on monitoring ambulatory treatment of chronical heart patients using most common and suitable solution on wearables technology and mobile devices as main tools in data exchange between patients and physician specialists.
Keywords: U-health, M-health, Heart Failure, Patient Monitoring

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