Paper title:

An Attribute Involved Public Key Cryptosystem Based on P-Sylow Subgroups and Randomization

Published in: Issue 1, (Vol. 12) / 2018
Publishing date: 2018-04-19
Pages: 34-38
Author(s): GUNNALA Sumalatha, KAKARLA Shirisha, DASIKA Srirama Murthy
Abstract. The Asymmetric Key Cryptosystem (AKC) or Public Key Encryption (PKE) is a mechanism used to encrypt the messages by using public key and decrypt the enciphered messages by using private key. Of late, the Attribute- Based Encryption (ABE) is an expansion of asymmetric key encryption scheme that allows users to encrypt and decrypt the plaintext messages using the key based on the user’s credentials, called attributes, like social security number, PAN (Permanent Account Number), email ids or Aadhar number etc. Most of the existing ABE schemes rely on the multiple attributes from which the access control policies are derived. These policies define the users’ private keys, required for the decryption process and access to the confidential information. In this paper, we proposed a new attribute based asymmetric cryptosystem that uses the features of both the schemes: PKE and ABE. Here, we used a value of an attribute, personal to the user, for the encryption and the decryption process. This scheme assures that the receiver will only be able to access the secret data if recipient is shared with the valid attribute value. The asymmetric nature is this scheme is based on the concept of p-sylow sub-group assumption. In addition, the randomization factor is used in the encipherment process to strengthen the cipher further. The development of this cryptosystem is an embodiment where the merits of randomized asymmetric encryption technique and the attribute based encryption are integrated to achieve the authentication on top of confidentiality to secure the information transmission over the public networks
Keywords: Attribute Based Cryptography, P-Sylow Subgroups Public Key Cryptography, Randomization

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