Paper title:

On Calculation of Adomian Polynomials by MATLAB

Published in: Issue 2, (Vol. 5) / 2011
Publishing date: 2011-10-28
Pages: 85-88
Author(s): FATOOREHCHI Hooman, ABOLGHASEMI Hossein
Abstract. Adomian Decomposition Method (ADM) is an elegant technique to handle an extensive class of linear or nonlinear differential and integral equations. However, in case of nonlinear equations, ADM demands a special representation of each nonlinear term, namely, Adomian polynomials. The present paper introduces a novel MATLAB code which computes Adomian polynomials associated with several types of nonlinearities. The code exploits symbolic programming incorporated with a recently proposed alternative scheme to be straightforward and fast. For the sake of exemplification, Adomian polynomials of famous nonlinear operators, computed by the code, are given.
Keywords: Adomian Decomposition, Adomian Polynomials, MATLAB, Nonlinear Functionals, Differential Equations

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