Paper title:

Lossless Image Compression Based on Mojette Transform and Differential Coding

Published in: Issue 2, (Vol. 5) / 2011
Publishing date: 2011-10-28
Pages: 81-84
Author(s): OUAFI Abd E. , TALEB-AHMED Ahmed A. , ZITOUNI Athmane, BAARIR Zine Eddine
Abstract. The Mojette Transform is a discrete exact and redundant version of the Radon transform. The application of the Mojette transform in image compression is based on the image projections similarity using different directions. The main works in this area is based on the coding called intra- projection and inter-projection. In the latter case, for this article, we propose a new algorithm based on the following two points: (i) a new interpolation approach of Mojette projections different from the linear interpolation currently used (ii) development of a differential coding between the different projections. The results that we obtained were compared with the recent different approaches and are much better for all the test images used.
Keywords: Lossless Compression, Mojette Transform, Differential Coding, Intra-projection Coding, Inter-Projection Coding, Lossless JPEG2000

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